BULA is a Christian non-profit organization devoted to global outreach and service through short-term missions and to developing on going partnerships with missionaries serving around the world. It is fully approved as a non-profit, so all donations are tax deductible.
The goal of BULA is to recruit, organize and equip people for short-term mission adventures that will mutually challenge each participant and support the ongoing ministries of Christian missionaries serving abroad.
BULA means “life” in Fijian,and is said as a greeting, a way of saying–“good life to you”. It is a fitting name for this ministry, because the hope is that through the adventure of short term missions, each participant, and those we minister to, will come to a deeper relationship with Jesus, and truly experience life to the fullest (John 10:10b).
My vision is to lead short term mission trips with participants of all ages from multiple churches. Mainly I will recruit from the local San Joaquin Valley, but I am not opposed to adding in others from around the U.S. The reason for the local focus is that it allows me to still effectively disciple and equip the team for the mission trip, and gives opportunity for valuable team bonding prior to the trip, as well as debriefing after the trip. This will also allow members of small churches in the valley to participate in missions without the church having to send an entire team.
My hope is to be able to raise my personal support through donations from people who believe in the power of short term mission trips to change lives. This will enable me to keep the cost of the mission trips as low as possible for participants. I am asking that you prayerfully consider contributing on a monthly basis. I also ask that you pray for me and my family as we walk this journey of faith. I am passionate about leading mission trips, and I truly believe this is where God is calling me to serve.
Please let me know if you are interested in doing a mission trip with BULA. You can contact me using the contact page.
In His Grip, Rudy