
All posts by bulawebadmin

The goal of BULA is to recruit, organize and equip people for short-term mission adventures that will mutually challenge each participant and support the ongoing ministries of Christian missionaries serving abroad.

BULA means “life” in Fijian, and is said as a greeting, a way of saying – “good life to you”. It is a fitting name for this ministry, because the hope is that through the adventure of short term missions, each participant, and those we minister to, will come to a deeper relationship with Jesus, and truly experience life to the fullest (John 10:10b)

Why Short-Term Missions?

You may be asking –Why do we do short-term missions?  or Why should I get involved on a short-term mission?  Let me give you a few reasons.

Short-term missions…

  • Take us out of our comfort zone and force us to see a part of the world we might otherwise ignore.
  • Allow us to see others as Jesus sees them
  • Stretch our faith
  • Allow us to participate in ministering to the “least of these”
  • Bond us together in a unique way with other believers who are serving with us Bless not only the lives of those we serve, but our own lives as well
  • Remove us from the “rat-race” we call life, long enough to take a hard look at our priorities Our goal with BULA is to give participants a chance…
  • Open our eyes to the needs of others who are suffering
  • to serve Jesus in a unique way
  • to participate in a life-changing adventure
  • to build bridges with other cultures
  • to share the good news of the Gospel around the world
  • to meet the physical needs of those living in poverty
  • to grow and be stretched in their faith
  • to experience the reality that the family of God knows no borders – it is not limited to the USA!